5:00 pm PST


BC organizer image


DOC Northwest

The DOC BC YT NT chapter connects over 220 DOC members in British Columbia and the Yukon and is involved in various local professional development initiatives including workshops, Masterclass series and Breakthrough Program.

Panel Discussions

After Hot Docs:

Industry Experts and Filmmakers Share Their Festival Experience

Join us in our upcoming moderated panel: After Hot Docs – Industry Experts and Filmmakers Share Their Festival Experience on May 25th at 5PM PST | 6PM MST | 8PM EST.

Let’s wrap up the festival by bringing together a broad group of Hot Docs participants, from festival programmers, Deal Maker and Forum pitch participants to first time Hot Docs festival filmmakers, who will reflect on their experiences during the festival. 

This is a webinar for emerging and established filmmakers, for filmmakers who were part of this year’s festival or filmmakers who would like to find out what they missed, and what the virtual festival landscape looks like.


Jessica Hallenbeck


Olena Decock


Julian Carrington


Ina Fichman


Lyana Patrick


Joella Cabalu


Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events scheduled at this time. Check back soon.