1:00 pm EST



DOC National

The Documentary Organization of Canada (DOC) is the collective voice of Canada’s independent documentary creators. DOC began in 1983 as the Canadian Independent Film Caucus (CIFC) to represent the interests of Canada's growing community of indi doc filmmakers. Today DOC has over 1000 members across six chapters from coast to coast.

Panel Discussions

CBC Carbon Footprint Webinar

Ce webinaire se déroulera en anglais. Les changements auront uniquement un impact sur les productions de la CBC et non sur celles de Radio-Canada.

As of January 3rd, 2022, CBC will be requiring completion and delivery of a carbon footprint on all original Canadian productions from independent producers with budgets over $400,000

DOC has invited CBC’s Environmental Sustainability Lead to guide our members through CBC’s new Green Initiatives on February 10th 2022 at 1pm ET. They will be your contact for any questions about completing or complying with the CBC’s green initiatives, so this is a great opportunity to hear from them directly and ask any questions.

Some useful tools from CBC ahead of our session:


Lisa Clarkson

Executive Director, Business & Rights and Content Optimization, CBC


Leaticia Kaggwa

Environmental Sustainability Lead


Athena Trastelis

Senior Manager, Environment

Yasmine Abbasakoor

Executive in Charge of Development, Unscripted

Upcoming Events


Breaking It Down, DOC Alberta Film Workshop – Edmonton

Presented by DOC Alberta



Breaking It Down, DOC Alberta Film Workshop – Calgary

Presented by DOC Alberta
