6:00 pm MST



DOC Alberta

DOC Alberta is the collective voice of independent documentary filmmakers across Alberta and includes membership from filmmakers and supporters of documentary film. DOC Alberta serves 80+ professional documentary filmmakers in the province and shares information, programming & events with Alberta’s documentary community.


Long Roof Brewing Co.

9916 72 Ave NW,

Edmonton, AB

Annual General Meeting

Festival Kick-off Event w/ DOC Alberta AGM

Join DOC Alberta for a Festival Kick-off info session with a networking mixer afterwards! DOC Alberta AGM to take place prior to the session.

Thursday, April 21, 2022 @ 6 pm‬‬ ‬‬‬

Location: Hybrid event

In-person: Longroof Brewing Co. – 9916 72 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB

Online: Via Zoom (link to be emailed the day before the event)


5:30pm – 6:00pm: Member registration. Networking‬‬‬‬‬.

6:00pm – 7:15pm: DOC Alberta Annual General Meeting

7:30pm – 8:15pm: Festival Kick-off Event

8:15pm – 9:00pm: Networking Mixer‬

AGM Information

The Annual General Meeting agenda to be emailed to members one week before with list of candidates, bios, and individual brief.


NOMINATE yourself or another DOC member based in Alberta for a position on the DOC AB Board! DOC Alberta, the Alberta Chapter of the Documentary Organization of Canada, is requesting from our membership, NOMINATIONS for TWO positions on the DOC Alberta Board of Directors.

These TWO positions will be filled by election at the DOC AB Annual General Meeting on April 21, 2022.

Nominations must be sent in before April 15th, 2022. Please send in your nomination to DOCAlbertaChapter@gmail.com.

Further Details – https://bit.ly/3wE67B8

Festival Kick-off Event Information

Following the AGM, members and non-members are invited to an informative session about Canadian documentary festivals where representatives from festivals in Alberta and across Canada will join us in-person and virtually to provide info on their festivals.

Please email docalbertachapter@gmail.com with any comments or questions.

Sincerely, DOC-A 2021-22 Board of Directors:

Co-Chairs Don Young and Lorna Thomas, Board members Lewis Cardinal, Mark Collings, Kathy Fisher, Anthony Goertz, Kennedy Quigley, Kelly Wolfert, and Braden Rooke.

Upcoming Events

4:00 pm


DOC Community Consultations: DOC Atlantic

Presented by DOC Atlantic

Networking Event