Making the most of the festival circuit is integral to a successful career in documentary filmmaking. As gateways to the Canadian and international markets, festivals can be important starting points in the commercial life of your film. But even for seasoned professionals, they can be difficult to navigate.
Download What Are Film Festivals For? (2019)
Which festivals are best positioned to maximize your particular goals? Where should your film premiere? What is the best way to make sure your film gets seen by the right people? Do you really have to pay the submission fee? Festival Concierge provides administrative services and strategic counsel to help you maneuver the film festival world.
By drawing on case studies and decades of industry experience, Sean Farnel, the Documentary Organization of Canada’s Festival Concierge Consultant, has authored a report titled What Are Film Festivals For? This report relies on real world examples to give a picture of the festival scene in Canada today, while outlining how our Festival Concierge services can help you make sense of it all.