3:45 pm

BC organizer image


DOC Northwest

The DOC BC YT NT chapter connects over 220 DOC members in British Columbia and the Yukon and is involved in various local professional development initiatives including workshops, Masterclass series and Breakthrough Program.


Beaumont Main Hall

Panel Discussions

Rethinking Documentary Marketing with VIFF Industry

DOC Northwest is proud to support and collaborate with VIFF in hosting an industry panel focusing on Rethinking Documentary Marketing.

👉with PR expert Nicola Pender, Executive Director Sue Biely, and award-winning storyteller Sarain Fox, sharing three marketing pathways to raising the profile of documentary films. Moderated by Kevin Eastwood, DOC Northwest.

Join us with an Artist & Industry Pass

Upcoming Events

4:00 pm


DOC Community Consultations: DOC Atlantic

Presented by DOC Atlantic

Networking Event