6:00 pm MST



DOC Alberta

DOC Alberta is the collective voice of independent documentary filmmakers across Alberta and includes membership from filmmakers and supporters of documentary film. DOC Alberta serves 80+ professional documentary filmmakers in the province and shares information, programming & events with Alberta’s documentary community.

Annual General Meeting

Invitation: 2021 DOC-Alberta Annual General Meeting

Please join us for DOC Alberta’s Annual General meeting!

When: Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Where: virtually, over Zoom (invitation to follow)

Who: all DOC members, doc filmmakers, and interested people


6-6:15 pm : Welcome and introduction of DOC-Alberta members nominated for the Edmonton Film Prize (Kelly Wolfert, Frederick Kroetsch, Anthony Goertz)

6:15-7:00 pm: AGM‬

7:00 – 8:00: Conversation with others in the meeting 


DOC-Alberta 2020-21 Board of Directors: Gerry Potter, Lorna Thomas, Kathy Fisher,  Edmon Rotea, Mark Collings, Anthony Goertz, Elise Campbell, Kelly Wolfert, and Terry Kostek.

Check out our Facebook page for updates: https://www.facebook.com/DOCorgA/

Upcoming Events

4:00 pm


DOC Community Consultations: DOC Atlantic

Presented by DOC Atlantic

Networking Event