1:15 pm



DOC National

The Documentary Organization of Canada (DOC) is the collective voice of Canada’s independent documentary creators. DOC began in 1983 as the Canadian Independent Film Caucus (CIFC) to represent the interests of Canada's growing community of indi doc filmmakers. Today DOC has over 1000 members across six chapters from coast to coast.


Hart House Quad

7 Hart House Circle,

Toronto, ON M5S 3H3

Panel Discussions

Navigating the Tides of Change: Policy Updates with DOC (Hot Docs – Hot Takes)

DOC’s session as part of Hot Docs 2024 Industry Conference and Market


The Documentary Organization of Canada begins its 41st year in the midst of some seismic shifts across our sector: massive cutbacks at Canadian broadcasters and American streamers, restructuring at the NFB, the explosion of artificial intelligence, and a complete overhaul of Canada’s audiovisual policy. All under the shadow of a federal election in fall 2025. Needless to say, there is the potential to get an enormous amount done over the next year and a half. Join DOC’s Executive Director Sarah Spring for a roundup of DOC’s advocacy work and everything documentary-policy related.


Sarah Spring

DOC's Executive Director

Upcoming Events


Breaking It Down, DOC Alberta Film Workshop – Edmonton

Presented by DOC Alberta



Breaking It Down, DOC Alberta Film Workshop – Calgary

Presented by DOC Alberta
