12:30 pm



DOC Atlantic

DOC Atlantic is Canada's East Coast chapter of DOC, serving around 65 professional filmmakers in Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia.

Panel Discussions

2023 DOC Atlantic Conversation Series

The Documentary Organization of Canada Atlantic Chapter has partnered with the Lunenburg DOC Fest and DOCTalks Festival & Symposium to present a series of nine conversations in 2023. The next three conversations will take you deeper into the world of  Community Engagement & Alternative Distribution.

Hundreds of documentary films are pitched to broadcasters each year, but most do not receive a CRTC regulator broadcast-streaming license and/or government film agency funding. This lack of access to financing and distribution has led many independent producers to engage with community partners to create, finance and distribute their documentary films using a cross-sector approach. Join us in June as we present three documentary media conversations: i)  Collaborating in a Community of Creators, ii) Producing Social Impact Films,  and iii) Alternative Distribution in Canada.

Producing Social Impact Films

Hannah Minzloff is a social impact producer who will share her knowledge and experiences about community-based partnerships, funding, distribution and audience engagement through the lens of three documentary media projects. Six primrose – the power of food to build community, Dementia Dad & Me – family experiences with dementia, and Wicked Bodies – queer community eating disorders.


Upcoming Events

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