6:30 pm


BC organizer image


DOC Northwest

The DOC BC YT NT chapter connects over 220 DOC members in British Columbia and the Yukon and is involved in various local professional development initiatives including workshops, Masterclass series and Breakthrough Program.


Mahony's Tavern False Creek

601 Stamps Landing,

Vancouver, BC V5Z 3Z1

Annual General Meeting

DOC BC|YT|NT 2023 AGM and DOC National 40th Anniversary

Calling all members to join DOC BC YT NT for our annual general meeting and celebrate DOC National’s 40th anniversary!

Please RSVP here if you will be joining us IN PERSON to attend our AGM and celebrate DOC National’s 40th Anniversary.

This is an opportunity to hear about the accomplishments in 2023, meet other documentary filmmakers, reconnect with your community, network, and celebrate our DOC BC YT NT members!

The event will start at 6:30pm PST and run until 11:00pm PST.

We hope to see you at our AGM! We look forward to celebrating you and our other members and sponsors!

Event is partially sponsored by Bell Media and Super Channel.

Upcoming Events

4:00 pm

Consultations communautaires de l’Association des documentaristes du Canada : DOC Manitoba

Presented by DOC Manitoba


4:00 pm


DOC Community Consultations: DOC Manitoba

Presented by DOC Manitoba
