4:00 pm EST



DOC National

The Documentary Organization of Canada (DOC) is the collective voice of Canada’s independent documentary creators. DOC began in 1983 as the Canadian Independent Film Caucus (CIFC) to represent the interests of Canada's growing community of indi doc filmmakers. Today DOC has over 1000 members across six chapters from coast to coast.


DOC Festival Concierge: Webinar Info Session

DOC’s Festival Concierge service was created with the support of Telefilm Canada to help fill a gap in knowledge and support services for documentary filmmakers who were seeking to leverage the increasingly complex domestic and international film festival circuit and achieve their audience, impact, and distribution goals.

DOC and the Whistler Film Festival present Sean Farnel, Jason Ryle and Claire Aguilar!

Hear all about how the Festival Concierge program works and how to plan for your film’s release in this hybrid festival landscape.

Le Festival Concierge a été créé à l’origine pour offrir un service d’aide et parfaire les connaissances des producteurs indépendants souhaitant utiliser au mieux le circuit international des festivals de cinéma. Les productions canadiennes étaient sous représentées dans les festivals, ce qui limitait le développement professionnel de ces producteurs et la durabilité de leur carrière

DOC et le festival de Whistler présentent Sean Farnel, Jason Ryle et Claire Aguilar !

Vous découvrirez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le fonctionnement de Festival Concierge et sur la manière de planifier la sortie de votre film dans le paysage actuel des festivals hybrides.


Jason Ryle

International Programmer of Indigenous Cinema, TIFF

Sean Farnel

Film festival strategist, consultant and programmer, Not fiction

Claire Aguilar

Producer and Film Consultant

Sarah Spring


Upcoming Events


Breaking It Down, DOC Alberta Film Workshop – Edmonton

Presented by DOC Alberta



Breaking It Down, DOC Alberta Film Workshop – Calgary

Presented by DOC Alberta
